Tips on creating AKIPS dashboards

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The best tip I have is to get comfortable modifying the URL of your desired content, there are a few tweaks you can add to almost any content to make it more usable in a dashboard.
;ajax=1;embed=1;navbar=off; (is a good combo)
height=55;width=800; (play around with these to get the size you like)
;graph=bit_rate; (for example, strip out all the other graphs you don't want to present to get back to a single graph. )(;graph=util,bit_rate,byte_total,packet_rate,packet_total,broadcast_rate,broadcast_total,multicast_rate,multicast_total,error_total,discard_total,pause_total;)
;title=Whatever+Title+You+Want; (sometimes the actual title in the system may not be the best for a dashboard, you can override it with this)
;time=last8h (speaks for itself, tweak this as desired). To then jazz up the look, you can remove the device filter by modify controls=processor; to controls=0; then turn off the navbar as usual.
By the end of all that you will have a clean graph ready for placement on a dashboard. The next step I fallback to is fine tuning a collection of <div> </div> tags that contain all my iframe links.
With a bit of patience you can get a dashboard built for high resolutions screens that looks pretty darn good.
Nov 2018

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