URL triggered CSV export site-script specifically for Device to IP

  • Updated

Here is a script designed to send the Device to IP csv to an email address which can be triggered by http/curl command.

What this script will do is either:

  • you set a default email address in the script under $mail_to and when you run the script it will send to the csv file to that email address
  • or you can set the email address in the http call and it will send to the csv file to that email address.

The http calls will look like the following:

Default email address set under $mail_to: 


Or with an email address added(this overrides the default email address in the script):



This script can also be run under the site-scripting page as well for testing.  Just ensure that the $mail_to variable is populated with a valid email address.

**Note** When using the http call please ensure that you go to "Admin"-->"API"-->"Web api settings" and set "Site Script Functions" to on.  Also ensure that you have the user api-rw set up with a password. 

sub web_Email_Device_to_IP_CSV {
use List::Util qw(all min);

# Set this to an email address as default
my $mail_to= ''; # e.g. myEmail@example.com

# this email address is used if you set one in the HTTP call:
my $input_emailmail_address = cgi_param ('email_address') || "";

# Body of the emailed report
my @body = "Device to IP Mapping Export .csv format";

# Subject line of the emailed report
my $subject = "Device to IP Mapping Export";

my %report_cfg = (
table => [
{ header => "Device", format => "header", class => "block-top" },
{ header => "IP Address", format => "text" },

my $ip2name_ref;
my %dev2ip;
my @table;
my @table_display;
my $CSV_LOCK = "${HOME_RUN}/csv.lock";

# Checks if email address was added to http call. If added then it
# will print out what was added and set the mail_to variable.

if ($input_emailmail_address eq ""){
print "using default email address\n";
$mail_to = $input_emailmail_address;
print "user added email address\n";

print "$mail_to\n";

# Checks the mail_to variable to make sure it is set to something.
if ($mail_to ne ""){

$ip2name_ref = config_load_ip2name ();

for my $ip (keys %{ $ip2name_ref }) {
my $dev = $ip2name_ref->{$ip};
push @{ $dev2ip{$dev} }, $ip;

for my $device (nat_sort keys %dev2ip) {
my $url = html_link (2, $device, sprintf ("/device-editor?mode=display;device_list=%s", $device), "");

# Seperate the ips with semicolon for csv download
push @table, [ $url, join (";", nat_sort @{ $dev2ip{$device} }) ];

#this is for the displayed table
push @table_display, [ $url, join ("<br/>", nat_sort @{ $dev2ip{$device} }) ];

# if you run the script under site scripting this will Print out the table on the right hand side.
# Uncomment the 2 lines if you want to see this.
# use Akips::GUI::HTMLTable;
# html_table (\%report_cfg, \@table_display);

# Start to create the csv file and send it to an email address
my $filename = "report";
my $csv_file;
my $time_str = strftime ("%Y%m%d.%H%M", localtime);
my $lock_hdl;
my @columns;
my @row;

# Naming the filename with a timestamp
$csv_file = sprintf ("%s/%s.%s.csv", $HOME_CSV, $filename, $time_str);

$lock_hdl = process_lock ($CSV_LOCK, LOCK_EX);

# Assigning the values that were gathered to variables
my ($cfg_ref, $data_ref) = @_;
$cfg_ref = \%report_cfg;
$data_ref = \@table;

my $limit = min (($cfg_ref->{limit} || scalar @{ $data_ref}), scalar @{ $data_ref});

# Opening the CSV file
open (my $CSV, ">", $csv_file ) || EXIT_FATAL ("Can't open $csv_file: $!");

# build the csv column
for my $col_ref (@{ $cfg_ref->{table} }) {
$col_ref->{header} =~ s/\<(.*?)\>//mg;
push (@columns, $col_ref->{header});

print $CSV join (",", @columns), "\n";

# build the csv row
for (my $row_i = 0; $row_i < $limit; $row_i++) {
my $row_ref = $data_ref->[$row_i];
@row = ();
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{ $cfg_ref->{table} }; $i++) {
my $table_col = $cfg_ref->{table}->[$i];

# Strip HTML tags from CSV output
$row_ref->[$i] =~ s/\<(.*?)\>//mg;

# Quote any data containing comma
$row_ref->[$i] =~ s/(.*,.*)/"$1"/m;

push (@row, $row_ref->[$i]);

# Excludes empty lines from CSV output
next if all { not defined } @row;

print $CSV join (",", @row), "\n";


close $CSV;

process_unlock ($lock_hdl);

# Email to mail_to address
mail ({ subject => $subject, to => $mail_to, body => \@body, attach => [$csv_file] });
print "Email with Device to IP csv $csv_file sent to $mail_to\n"

# End of if statement that makes sure there is an email address
# either added or set at the beginning of the script.
print "No email address provided. Please either add email address into http or set the mail_to variable in the script.
http://10.x.xx.2/api-script?password=password;function=web_Email_Device_to_IP_CSV;email_address={email address}"
}# End of else for checking for email address


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